Episode #28 - Awestruck Moments, Under-Bed Nightmares, and Skipping Self-Care

Out Of The Bag

Wednesday, November 13, 2024 - 33 minutes

This week, we’re embracing the weird, the wonderful, and the downright creepy! First, we share the awe-inspiring things that never fail to leave us speechless, no matter how many times we experience them. Then, we get a little darker: would you rather find a dead person under your bed… or someone alive? (Trust us, it’s a tougher call than you think!) And if you could ditch one annoying aspect of body maintenance, what would it be? We close with the best thing we’ve heard all week—a little positivity to balance out the chills. Don’t forget, you can send in your own wild questions to smonz@wboc.com to be featured on the show!

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